Monday, June 4, 2012

A Cluster of Major Proportions...

Brads back at it again. Casting and acting the fool!

Brad let me ask you somethin'.....

Why? I mean really...

If you think the things said in these screen caps of your chat are bad you should see what is said on skype by many who you claim as friends. Should anyone be paranoid about the interwebz it should be you son.

                                               ***MY GOD! Brad You Be Fat!!!!! ****

        What a Fuckin' Hot Mess You are Braaaad..said in my best Sam Jackson from Pulp Fiction voice

                                     Check out these Old Lady arms you sportin' Brad!

                                                       That poor chair

Brad do us all a favor and just give up and join the priesthood, you have the celibacy and the love for small boys down!!!

Just a little FYI for ya Brad....During a little game of "Fuck/Marry/Kill" Thursday night on the Group Chat on skype, the 2 times you were mentioned, it was always an easy and quick choice to make you the "kill" choice. Frank Taylor fared better than you did!!!!!!!!  LMAO!

Quickie Notes:

Tina Weezer is still sick. I may be the only one who believes this, well, perhaps me and her court ordered Psychiatrist but whatever. Batten down the hatches when the 'scripts run out!

Vikki had a Birthday. Yeah well you know how that went.  *shakes head* I have given up thinking that one day when she is just a touch less drunk something will pop into her head telling her that she is desperately alone with not one of her "e-friends" really giving a damn about her. Tommy it is said is now engaged and wants even less to do with her (is that possible?). I know, I know, Vikki still is saying that she loves Tommy and Tommy loves her and no whoredog will ever come between them. yada, yada, yada....  I hope it's true you are getting some on the regular Tommy. Go, Dog, Go!!!!!

The ever lovable and sweet Moonboots  finally admits and comes forward owning his Blogslayer persona. Sure, sure. We all bought that.

It is rumored that there was "peen" seen over at VL. From what I have heard it wasn't a "peen" but a "bean" as to the description of size and shape. (Poor guy =(    )

The Social Streaming Scene has really been dull as of late. I am hoping that as we move into summer, things will pick up. Hope springs eternal I guess.

Until the next time.....

Friday, May 18, 2012

Just A Quickie...

As I was sipping coffee, getting ready to take on  another incredibly busy day I foolishly caught Gary on main over at BC.

I wish someone had sent me a screen cap but should I receive one I will edit this post for those who actually know.

Gary came out as a Mensa Member. Now, as a Mensa Member myself (ok, ok, stop laughing and keep reading) I was able to see through this fable easily.

You see, Mensa cost you. That's right!. It cost money to apply and take the test. Yes, there is a test to be taken and then once you become a member you continue to pony up the cash to maintain your membership. In Gary's words, this is pricey. Gary states over and over again that he is cash poor.

Also, (and this is why I want a screen cap) Gary held up one of the Mensa newsletters they send out periodically. The problem with what he showed is that as a member you receive a newsletter for your specific region. This provides you with information and calendar of events for your local area. This is what he should have and would have shown had he actually been a true member. The newsletter that he showed is one of those that is mailed to certain districts that is to solicit a "look what you are missing not being a member of Mensa! Don't you want to join? It's easy" kind of thing.

Gary "honey" you are not a member of Mensa. Trust me "honey" you just aren't.

Just because you receive something in the mail that says Mensa on it does not mean that they caught you on BC and thought "Oh shit! Why do we not have this Intellectual Giant on our rolls", it just isn't happening. Just as when you get that really big letter from Publisher's Clearing House that says in Metro Bold type on the front of the envelope that you are a WINNER! You really aren't. Trust me "honey".

Now, Gary...go and take your Mensa Newsletter and use it to pick up some of that cat shit you have lying around and give it some worth.

Got it Gary? ...

Yeah, I thought not...

Well, off to the real world to get my shit done even though my fatique level peaked days ago.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


I was checking in on all the happenings and I have concluded that, like never before, social media and streaming has settled into the Great Be-Yawn.

Frank comes out...finally! (Was he the last to know or what?)

Beer Guy and Beer Girl share way too fuckin' much. Seriously people, no one really needed to see that ..ewww =\.
Though I have to agree with Beer Girl that it is totally difficult and sometimes impossible for us girls to pee standing up, especially with an audience.
In addition...gotta say...."Nice form Beer Guy. Nice!"

Then we TicklishCutie. Sweetie, I am all for Do what you want, When you want it, How you want it and with Whom you want it,  and screw everyone who wishes to judge but I think that perhaps we need to have a sit down. We have chatted from time to time and you have brought many a smiles and laughs but in my opinion you are a sweet and lovely girl and I for one would really like it all to stay that way. This isn't it.

*this is one of the tamer pics I received. *sad face*

You know, there has been so much off the charts crap going on from some pretty notable casters I just will leave you with this. Grab some Calgon and let your imagination take you away.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I am going to catch me some Good Times! Carry on Party People! and Please Don't Forget To Turn Your Cameras On!!!!

*UPDATED ...Oh Crap! I forgot about the whole Zolar thing. He has quit BattleCam because it is reported he insists upon being paid for what he does. Um..yeah...ya know I am the master of sitting in my hammock, under that great and impressive Chinese Maple, watching the world go by and I think that it is a travesty that I am not paid BIG Bucks to continue doing it. After all as I said I AM THE MASTER!!!!
Zolar, you idiot!. Get off that "High" Horse of yours and visit the real world. As many and I mean many are saying (in between all the snickers and laugh sessions) that you "Ain't Shit". Translation...Your "show" is SHIT!
You and Scott, with your panties in a bunch about your perceptions of Greatness are all in your warped and twisted little brains. Now FUCK OFF!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Texts From Cinco de Mayo and Shameful Trivia

~Doing an Easter egg hunt in the liquor store right now. I feel so adult.

~Don't feel bad sweetie, you're not the only classy one in town. I'm still driving around with that tupperware of tequila in my cup holder from last weeks Margarita Monday.

~I take we used my cleavage as a pen holder last night during the graffiti party. Looks like the colours of Crayola exploded all over my boobs.

~I was looking at your puke as I was peeing in it the next morning and that Caesar Salad did not treat you well.

~There was a definitely significant amount of cookie dough in my bra.

~You cat followed me a mile away from your house. If it doesn't come back, I am sorry but I needed to get laid tonight.

~I am about to sell my hamster for weed money I'll call you in a few.

~I feel like someone ate me, then shit me in my bed.

~He was a no show so I will be on pinterest all night planning crafty things to do with my cats in 10 years!

~In the midst of puking your guts up you looked up at the globe in front of you and whispered "America"

~I just had a contest with the toilet to see who could hold their breath the longest.

~Why are our drunk alter egos so much more successful than us?

~I pulled my bra out of my purse covered in Honey-Mustard. I still lack an explanation.

~Figured after she passed out and I threw up in her bed, morning sex would be pushing it.

After the celebrating was over the group of friends I was with headed over to the all-nighter greasy spoon and to our entertainment included stupid trivia questions on the needless paper coaster for our drinks...

We were less than stellar at our attempts to appear less than brain dead. How 'bout you? Can you do any better?

1. What is the world's largest Hotel chain?
      Our Guess - Hilton because everyone has been "in one".

2.Winner of the first Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film?
     Our Guess - Steamboat Willy...we were drunk and even sober most of us are stupid..just sayin'

3.What Nobel Prize winner was Secretary of State under 2 Presidents?
     Our Guess - Ok, we got this one write based solely on the fact we had d2 Lawyers in our group. Saved    our ass big time

4. What city was devastated by an earthquake in 1985 and hosted the World Cup in 1986?
     Our Guess - We got this one right too but we cheated because someone in our group was there for World Cup that year with his family.

5.What 1975 blockbuster sees Roy Scheider utter: "We need a bigger boat"?
     Our Guess _ Not one of us could think what the name of this movie was. Every one us could quote dialog from it though.

6. What was the name of the band that started their career with the song "Anarchy in the UK"?
      Our Guess - We became derailed from answering this with a flavorful discussion of the pros and cons of chili omelets.

7. Who co-wrote "Fame" with David Bowie?
      Our Guess - We argued about which "Fame" song this was though we did have an Irene Cara fan in our group. She has since been ousted, fyi.

8. What was "Sweet Dee's" nickname in High School on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"
      Our Guess - We crushed this answer  *fist pump*

9. What TV Show lost Jim Carrey when he stepped into the movies?
       Our Guess - "In Living Color" We were wrong...surprise surprise

10.Who said, "Money is like an arm or a leg, use it or lose it"?
        Our Guess - yeah, we had some brainiac who knew this shit.

So how'd you do?

1. Best Western
2. Shrek 3
3. Henry Kissinger
4. Mexico
5. Jaws (Damn it! We knew this one too)
6. Sex Pistols
7. John Lennon
8. Aluminum Monster
9. Jim Carrey (Shit! He had a show?? Who knew?)
10. Henry Ford

Oh Those Crazy Eighties

 You Know You Grew Up In The 80's if......

-You layered your multi-colored slouch socks and added suspenders to make your outfit complete.

-You remember when Jordache Jeans with a flat-handle comb in the pocket was cool.

-You had to have a Trapper Keeper to stay organized at school. (my first one was pink with kitties, yes, there were one than one. That's all I am sayin')

-You could Break Dance or wished you could and in many cases wished you hadn't.

-You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny. (Only from video because my bedtime was

-You know all the words to Ice Ice Baby.

-You have worn a Banana Clip or knew someone who had.

-You owned a T-Shirt that said, "I Shot JR" or know someone who did.

-You, yes you, sat down and memorized the entire lyric sheet to "It's the End of the World as We Know It"

-You wanted to dress like the Hulk or She-Ra at Halloween.

-You had to come in the house when the street lights came on.

-You wanted to be Nancy Drew or one or both of the Hardy Boys. (Who????)

-You can remember the words to the theme song of "The Greatest American Hero"

-You wore a feather roach clip in your hair from the local carnival because you didn't know what it really was.

-You totally LOVED Barbie's cooler, punkier counterpart, "Jem" and her "Rockers" (Oh! Hell Yeah!)

-Whenever someone mentions 2 consecutive days of the week you start singing the "Happy Days" theme in your head and it's stuck there for days.

-You know who Fat Albert is. (and today you would party with his big ol' ass)

-You tried a can of clear Pepsi and hated it like everyone else did.

- Shiny gray flecked suits.

-Your name is Jennifer or Jason.

-Your first day took you to a roller rink and you held hands for "Couples Only" skate.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Skype Sex and the Single Girl/Guy

Well it has only been a few days since Miss TicklishCutie did the right thing and outed JSmith2929 over on BattleCam for doing the Sexy Skype Deed

Ticklish named names when asked who she had skype sex with.

Ticklishcutie struggled at first to "remember" any names (Ouch! Apparently none of the interwebz Lotharios are worthy of remembering) but did state she had a session or two with JSmith.

As of this morning over on JTV in the ever-delightful Slayasweeties channel, JSmith wishes that this information was never released. He seemed to be denying this little interlude ever happened...kinda...

I am of the opinion that Ticklishcutie doesn't have it in her to make up a story like this. For any of you who have watched her or caught her in a chat room chatting over the last three or so years, I think you will agree. I don't know if the same can be said for JSmith. His "rep" doesn't appear to be too pristine, if ya know what I mean.

Here are a few screenies from Slayas Room this morning....

                               According to JSmith himself he "likes the older ladies"

                                               Jsmith!! So you were Skype-ing with Ticklishcutie!

                                           JSmith asks us to "look and him and look at her"

OK, lets do that shall we.....

Here is The Skype Dud...oops! I mean Skype Stud in question....

                                                    Hmmm .....

and now the Lady involved.....

                                        Gasp! Miss Ticklishcutie!!  My, Oh My *fans myself*     

Now there were much more salacious caps of Tickies broadcast from BattleCam but this one was the least objectifying.

Ok, I see what JSmith was saying here.... but every girl gets caught with her pants down simply out of pity =]
From what I can see Jsmith should be used to this by now.

Lets continue with the screenies...

                   This JSmith has no shame. Here he is after Moonboots digits. *shaking my head*

                                   Jsmith gets owned by just about everybody in Slayas room.

I think and I hope you all agree that JSmith needs to return to the hole he emerged from and sit and think about what the right thing is and to STOP trying to "dis" Ticklishcutie. Man-up! JSmith

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wow! So Much I Missed.... It Was An Email-Palooza When I Got Back

In many ways I am glad I missed most of these shenanigans over all these social streaming sites.

I apologize in advance for this post. It is going to be dis-jointed and scrambled as most of this stuff is simply a big ol' mess....

1. VaughnLive went live to make the declaration that All is forgiven/Everyone is pardoned.
Ok, I watched the video. I also received quite a few screencaps of skype conversations taking place during this cast.

**First, Anyone who has emailed me screen caps etc that did not take place in a public fashion, I WILL NOT post it and I WILL NOT read it. Anything that is caught where there are more than two people participating are usually, depending on circumstances, fair game but never a private conversation, private such as skype etc, is off bounds on this blog. Just so we are clear!
Back to the Vaughn rage...

I have no idea why MarkVaughn does what he does but I don't know about you but this feels a little like I/We are being played as fools. Until the time comes, if ever, Mark grows up and wants something more than an expensive joke he will get some mentoring from someone other than people like His Mother (I suspect there real last name is really Bates and Mark is his middle name with his real first name is Norman. Just throwing it out there) and Mojo.  From what I have been reading, Mojo is MIA for the most part. This is a start if true. 
Another thing...I am really surprised by the people who returned to VL. Not really surprised, more disappointed I guess. Shame on you who should know better!

This excludes the likes of TonyBabyOil because he is just doing what he should be doing and doing pretty damn good at it too IMO.

Now I need to speak about what "Carrey" (*wink wink*) did on her "cast". This was brilliant. I can only imagine the fire in Miss Scruffys Vag that must have been going on during this little  I hope, No I pray that there is more of this type of "quality Casting" going on over on VL in the very, very near future!!

Oh, though I have never had account over at VL and because of that I've never had the privilege to be banned over there it's times like these I had a stream key to donate to the cause.

Mark never addressed issues with users such as The Stud(less), Sergeo, Granny etc that need to be in my opinion if as he keeps stating to make VL a good site. How many sides of your mouth do you have Mark. I lost count at about 12. Help me out here Mark.

2. Vikki continues on the down slide. She is back on the Tommy loves me and I love Tommy emesis. 
Someone needs to clue Vikki in on the obvious to everyone but her that she is NOT BATTLECAM!!!
She lies, she cheats, she stalks, she hates, she's fake beyond all description. 
Sadly, Vikki is irreparable. It's over Vikki. It's time for you to start singing.

**I feel the same about both Vikki and VL. It's the lost potential. Neither of the disasters can make their way back.

Mark and Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer, that would be Scruffy and Mojo, would have been more appropriate that you should have asked, begged, for forgiveness. Your insincerity was palpable. Go on and stuff your "Pardon" Mark. It ain't worth the spit you wasted on Mojos cock.

2.Then there is Zoink...
He's a drunk. An idiot. A mooch and thinks he's a tough guy. Oh how sad you are Zoink.
Brad you are so desperate to be part of the Kool Kids Klub that you can't even hear everyone laughing at you. You are merely the mascot at best you moron. The mutt no one wants to claim and no can think any less of you (at least from the emails I have received), not even enough to kick you to the curb.
The one I feel for is Sarah. You know the hard working girlfriend you suck the life out of every moment of every day. How much happier not to mention financial stability if she didn't need to support your fat ass. 

You keep stating to anyone who can't get out of a chat room fast enough... "Ya Mad Bro?? I got a girlfriend I can "fuck" every night"  Really Brad? Every night? Do I really have to get into the whole "Whiskey Dick" issue? I mean do the math you idiot. We all have. You are on came until after dawn, sometimes passed out, sometimes not, but that really doesn't matter, you do this every day. When are you "bangin' the shit" outta her? She works all day. She's a teacher so she brings a lot of work home that needs to be done and by 4 or 5 you are back at it again on cam, up from your beer induced coma to chase the dragon away, clear the "fuzzy brain and cobwebs"away by popping open another beer.

You know what they say Brad...Those who do don't have to talk about it and those who are Beer Important wont stop talking about it.

Now to paraphrase Roco....Get in the kitchen and make another pizza BITCH!

Oh and lets not forget your triumphant return to VL!!! You know where that is right? The site you said "That fuckin piece of shit site" that you are so proud you were not a part of anymore because Mark is such a "cocksucking

Dayammmm Brad you are a WINNER!

**A private message to you Brad...
I hope you realize what restraint I demonstrated here as I still have all the verifiable documents that puts you in the "Banning Group" you were so proud of a couple of years ago. You can try and clean your rep by apologizing to people you feel can get the word out but trust me Brad they have no desire to make the effort especially on your part.

3. Its good to see many back casting again and I have hopes, perhaps not high ones but hopes nonetheless that the social streaming sites will get back to where they once were...well except for the exposure of Ticklishcutie. O H M Y G O D!!!

A Good Time at the LL/51 Meet-up

First of all making Tahoe as the place for this years meet up was simply genius!
California is always beautiful but this huge home on the water was nothing less than amazingly gorgeous.
Thanks to Cindy and Kristie for the find!!

I wasn't able to get there until very late Friday night and most were still at the casinos. I had been on a plane most of the day so I said some hellos and caught up with the few who were still at the house until I just fell into bed.

Saturday was much different...

The day was empty of designated activities, that evening was to be the big event.

Most everyone headed back to the casinos as many of them were on winning streaks so I couldn't blame them. I decided that I a needed some retail therapy. Some of the other ladies decided that was a better place to lose money so off we went.

The therapy was very successful

If you play the market...AMEX is a good bet...I think I covered any quarterly loses they might anticipate. Your welcome AMEX!!! I do what I can..=]

That night, Saturday, as I said was the main event. Another 30 or more people showed up just for that.

It was an evening of "Cocktails & Casters". It was a sort of masquerade type thing as we were asked to  dress and be in character of our favorite caster or chatter. It was a spectacular night of "Stars".

I met a couple of "Vikki's" and they embraced the "mess" in its   As were the "Tommy/Vikki" couple that were making the rounds. At first I thought that "Tommy" was actually the real, keeping it 100, Tommy. Thank God it wasn'  They happen to be a real life couple who must have been studying these two for a long time. They had them down, from fighting about the "trip" to all the going ons over skype. They were a real hit with the crowd.

"Dersko and his mom" were also in attendance. Only a couple of drinks were thrown so it was a pretty calm night for

"Zoink" also decided to drop by!!! Actually it was a stuffed dummy with a backward ball cap on, styling an Ed Hardy knock-off shirt, slumped in an office chair rolled over in the corner surrounded by empty generic beer cans (You know the ones. White with a simple blue label). It was funny at first but then as in the chat rooms we just used him as a place to catch our coats! lol   I was just grateful I didn't have to hear his voice..ugh..

There were far too many unimaginative types because there were a dozen "Surfrats". Most were escorted by sweet young things dressed in their "dress diapers" and Pig Tails. It was gross that all these "Surfrats" had these "girls" call them "Daddy". You know its all true but still gross.

At least a couple of "Smokethises". Just as in his own room over at blog these two had nothing to offer. All that I remember about them was that their bottom chins were shedding.

We were all assigned a table at the venue. At my assigned table were..

"Mac" from the Shoutbox and JTVWoodshed Blog. 
 A really nice guy but even he admitted he wasn't as cute as the real Mac and that was true though if I am to believe, and I think I do, he got more lucky at the end of the evening then he had at the casinos the night before!! He wasn't at last years event but I certainly hope he will attend in 2013! Greg you were a great addition!! He was our go to guy with all the 411 on so many casters and chatters!! He was also our Master of Ceremony. Great job! *thumbs up*

"The PetLady" from BlogTv.
She was only allowed to yell once every hour. Most of us scheduled our bathroom breaks when this was She played the part well and you might have believed it was actually The PetLady if you were across the room.

"TinaWeezer" from VL and your local "death bed".
This chick was a hoot! She created a lovely necklace out of cat food and she carried a photo-shopped framed picture of a very inappropriate picture of Mark Vaughn and herself in the throws of wild monkey (Jtv reference) sex. You had to laugh!! She came dressed in a tattered hospital gown with a body stocking underneath so when she was walking away you got a great view of a very and I mean very saggy old man ass!!!! Should anyone ever have a doubt that "Tina" was a man or not, had no doubts after seeing that!! Good day Sir!! She taught me all about this thing called "Back Sack". So many things I still have to learn!!!

"Miss Scruffy" from VL and every ones nightmares!
Yep! That's right...Miss Scruffy was here too! She was dressed in her over the top 80's big hair wig. School Marm tweed pencil dress with her trusty bible in hand. She was met with a lot of abuse. She was a good sport and I think she half expected it, though it cooled off by the time awards were given out.

Now here is something weird...

Mark Vaughn creator of VL and child of Miss Scruffylol. I don't know but these two were as weird and inappropriate as the real MV and MS.. Just saying.

Also at my table were ..

"Moonboots" from Jtv and Battlecam, not so much
Dressed in a Subway Sandwich Shop T-Shirt (I guess he couldn't find a beanie) and Keystone lite was his drink of choice. Really nice guy. Flew in all the way from Vancouver.

"Gary Busey for President" from Battlecam
He had a created a great costume...on the back end of his pants was a really ratty looking stuffed cat as if he sat on it and didn't He brought Straws as his date. It looked and I think it was intentional, he, I mean she, suffered from some serious 5 o'clock shadow and a Pringles can/tube stuffed in his, I mean her pants. I sincerely hope one of these guys weren't to terribly surprised later that night by a "Crying Game" moment!!

Mojo was seated behind me. I took this opportunity to turn around and introduce myself. He was an interesting man. I did check to see if the mace in my purse was locked and loaded though..hmmm

Also making an appearance were...

Two of me, ChatWitch!!!! Though I think I did "me" best. Yes, I dressed as myself just as I did last year from the old blog

"Bourbon" from BC, "TedMiltonGa", a couple "DaveLives" (one with an inappropriate Horse..=\), Far too many "Frank Taylors" (Omg! so many fuckin' Rainbows!!), A guy dressed as a Tree with a name tag that said.."AES9447". Unfortunately I didn't get it until someone told me about it..then I thought it was funny =], a few "Maccas" from the ass of Mark Vaughn, a "Chrome Tuna", a "Psychodave" from Jtv, 3 "Zolars" that I spoke with, "DK" from BlogTv came as herself too so I didn't feel so bad coming as myself too, "Chopper" and "Shira" from Blogtv, "KYPoopy" (don't ask about his attire for the, "Brandirose1979" and a handful of "Radio_Macs", "HarleyRider", "BeerGuy and Beer Girl", "Yetta Telebenda", A very annoying "ECV", a group of named casters from Stickam - these guys were a great group and so lucky for us they traveled so far from Texas. "SergeoSaintJames" also graced us with an appearance, dressed in rags that covered one of those over stuffed Sumo Wrestler suits. He played the angry black man really well and for comedies sake!, "KissMyBanAss" who even mis-spelled his name on his "Hello My Name Is" lapel,

There are a couple Honorable Mentions... because there were so many...

There was a really cute couple, "Roco and Coppergirl". These two were so sweet. It looked as though they may have been on their second honeymoon but then the gentleman who was portraying Roco opened his    It 's a joke..c'mon

"Limmey" though I have no idea who he was. I was told from Jtv but I don't think I have caught him over there.

"Kitty" and yes she did have a donation box attached to her hip that matched her fashionably hideous pink hair.

I promised I would not report back on the The Awards Ceremony that capped off the evening but next year I am not sure I will be able to make that promise!!

It was a magical night and I can't wait until next year!!!

Thanks for the laughs and good times LL/51 peoples....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Good Lord!!! Take a few days off and the crazies start writing...

Study shows how women can easily impair men’s brains

The rom-com movie machine has made billions off of male characters who turn into bumbling idiots when they interact with a pretty woman. The laboratory explanation for this foot-in-mouth phenomenon? Men's brains simply stop working correctly. Previous research indicated that guys experience "mental decline" when communicating with the opposite sex, but a more recent study cited in Scientific American claims that just anticipating this interaction can turn even the slickest Casanova into a herp-derp of the highest order. @Liquorstorebear tweets, "Another thing to cognitively impair me: talking to women!", while @Ranger222 begs the ladies in his life to show some mercy, commenting, "Scientific proof why women should just stay at home and leave us to work in peace."

"Mental Decline"????  You've got to be kidding me...

"Work in peace"??? What? Men work these days??? Oh! I get it! This is a parody piece...HaHaHa...UGH!

Here's the link should you need a laugh...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Desperation Makes Us Do Crazy Things...

I have been in DaveLives channel for 150:37 and Dave has been saying that he is "Coming" this whole time which tells me that he is either REALLY GOOD at it or REALLY REALLY BAD at it... I guess you can decide...

God! It's slow out there on the interwebz..  :\

Oh! and then there are all the screen caps I received that apparently show just how "Teeny Tiny" Tommy really is...

 I know, I know, who cares, right??? As I said it's slow out there...


The mutual stalking continues...


Later Sweet Taters... I have a cauldron to stir...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If....

You have a tendency to turn the collar up on your Polo Shirts..

You know where to go if you "wanna go where everyone knows your name"...

Partying "like it's 1999" seemed so far away...

You chewed Dr Pepper Bubble Gum...

You wore the little bootie socks with the colored balls on the back...

You remember Ricky Martin was a member of Menudo... 

You actually believed for a minute that K.I.T (night rider) was real...

You rolled the sleeves of your suit jacket up...

You remember when film critics raved that no movie could ever possibly get better special effects than those in the movie TRON...

You know how to use a rotary phone...

You fell out with friends during heated arguments about the relative merits of Matt & Luke...

You knew what Willis was talkin' about...

You yearned to be a member of the "Babysitters Club" and tried to start a club of your own...

You know what movie the phrase "Number 5 is Alive!" is from...

Once, while spending hours in an arcade, you actually lined up quarters on the top panel of the game - to "reserve" your spot...

If you ever said "I Pity the Fool"...

You've ever conversationally used the phrase "Jane, you ignorant slut!"...

Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you actually learned the English language...

You fell victim to 80's fashion: Big hair, crimped, combed over to the side and you wore spandex pants...

You ever owned a thin, black leather tie (and were proud of it), or worse it was patterned like a piano...

You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will? Clothing...

You know who played Uncle Ned, Elyse's brother, on Family Ties...

You owned at least 1 "Choose your own adventure" books...

You remember when you could buy half cans of soda (great for field trip days)...

You can, right now, hum to yourself the theme song to "Inspector Gadget"...

You had top of the line Commodor64's in your junior high computer lab...

You had to stay after class to scrub your desk because your silver Outliner pen leaked through...

You thought Molly Ringwald was really cool....

You remember when the A-Ha video was the pinnacle of modern technology and you can still sing all the words...

You sat on your back porch playing with your "My Little Pony", "Rainbow Brite" and "Strawberry Shortcake" dolls...

You wore biker shorts under your short skirt and you felt very stylish...

You inserted the word "like" into, like, every sentence....

Your remember when Betamax was cutting edge technology...

In many of your childhood photos you are wearing something plaid....

You believed that "By the Power of Greyskull, you HAD the power!!!"...

There were days that the homework just had to wait until the ABC Afterschool Special was over...

You knew how (or wanted to learn) to moonwalk...

You think that there should be a Kids Incorporated reunion....

You're starting to dread your 30th birthday, and have even begun going into denial about it...

You remember when McDonalds served their burgers in styrofoam boxes...

You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock...

You wondered why you and your friends never encountered diamond thieves whilst out on your BMX's...

You made Star Wars "Shrinky Dinks" in you oven...

You ever uttered the word "Radical!!"...

You got a Little Professor calculator for Christmas...

You were disappointed when an episode of 1-2-3 Contact didn't include a Bloodhound Gang segment...

You still know the Big Mac song - "Two all beef patties, special sauce..."....

You knew at least 3 people in your school who voluntarily went by names of "Skip", "Buffy", "Muffy" or "Dexter"...

You were in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts but now you have no idea what all the badges you got were for....

Your hair, at some point in time in the 80's, became something which can only be described by the phrase "I was experimenting"...

Oh! You old folks!!!  God bless ya...lmao!  *smirks* :]

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Where's the excitement and enticement of the social sites gone?

Found nothing of interest in the ol' inbox lately, well, for public commentary anyway [snicker snicker-snort snort]

This gave me a little giggle though...

BC id#1003808      *listen quick because the funny happens at about the 1sec. mark   :]

Such a "Classy" lady!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Fakest Of Fakes Has Been Exposed...LMFAO!!!

I have no idea what was going on while I was out collecting cans but I found many links to this "cluster" in my inbox this morning.

Thanks to the Coven.. =)

Interesting quotes from this little Fireside Chat....

It's a "She says...He doesn't say or deny"....

...Shes says...
..."Studs not a Marine..."
..."Studs Daddy ain't dead..."
..."Stud is 20 not 23..."
..."Stud is a lil' Bitch..."  *well, duh!
..."Stud has a 3 inch penis..."   *duh! again. Someone who calls himself The Stud obviously has small                                                              penis issues
..."Stud "Faps" to Moons casts..." *Hell, don't we all =)
..."Stud pays for Bitches to talk to him on Skype..."  *BIG Duh!!!

...He says...
..."Tammy is a Cow..." Ok, the Duhs are getting redundant
..."Tammy is 45 years old..."  *chortle chortle chortle

What TheStudless23 doesn't do is deny anything she said......

Ok, now take a listen and enjoy....

*UPDATE* there are 2 more parts to this...

Part 3....

Part 4....

JTVBLOGGER and some interesting videos over there. Go check it out and SUBSCRIBE!!

Show them some LOVE and SUPPORT!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Finally!!! A Pizza Challenge That Actually Worked...HaHaHa

Battlecam id#984701

River Driver Kudos to you for one of the funniest times at Battlecam in a really long time!!!

Now that's how it's done folks!!!

Thanks you River Driver!!!!

DaveLive Gets To The Bottom Of It All Or...

First listen to the DaveLive archive id#984707, at Battlecam, starting at the 172:00 minute mark.
Just a little warning folks, this is a long one...

Now this morning, Vikki is in the middle of a major melt down over the Tommy Trolling and the Dave's Show.
It ain't pretty but then again is it ever when it concerns Vikki...?

*Be Warned* Vikki says she's having a bad hair day!!

...and then the fake tears start...

...and the Pity Party is in full swing..

Vikki is done worn out...

Dave's Show was interesting as he was able to get Vikki (though it took a long time to do so) to send him copies of the actual airline tickets and Tommy sent Dave his google voice call logs from the night that Bruce alledgedly called him multiple times....

The person who caught this screen cap for me asked the question...."Why does this log not show the couple of calls, where we know from watching this go down live on "main", when Tommy allegedly speaks with Bruce".  (Vikki confirms that the number is Bruce's cell number btw)

Yeah!! Where are those calls on that log??? Hmmm Where? Where? Where?
Tommy I think youse got sum splainin to do...

Stay Tuned...Story still developing...