Thursday, March 1, 2012

You Know You Grew Up In The 80's If....

You have a tendency to turn the collar up on your Polo Shirts..

You know where to go if you "wanna go where everyone knows your name"...

Partying "like it's 1999" seemed so far away...

You chewed Dr Pepper Bubble Gum...

You wore the little bootie socks with the colored balls on the back...

You remember Ricky Martin was a member of Menudo... 

You actually believed for a minute that K.I.T (night rider) was real...

You rolled the sleeves of your suit jacket up...

You remember when film critics raved that no movie could ever possibly get better special effects than those in the movie TRON...

You know how to use a rotary phone...

You fell out with friends during heated arguments about the relative merits of Matt & Luke...

You knew what Willis was talkin' about...

You yearned to be a member of the "Babysitters Club" and tried to start a club of your own...

You know what movie the phrase "Number 5 is Alive!" is from...

Once, while spending hours in an arcade, you actually lined up quarters on the top panel of the game - to "reserve" your spot...

If you ever said "I Pity the Fool"...

You've ever conversationally used the phrase "Jane, you ignorant slut!"...

Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you actually learned the English language...

You fell victim to 80's fashion: Big hair, crimped, combed over to the side and you wore spandex pants...

You ever owned a thin, black leather tie (and were proud of it), or worse it was patterned like a piano...

You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will? Clothing...

You know who played Uncle Ned, Elyse's brother, on Family Ties...

You owned at least 1 "Choose your own adventure" books...

You remember when you could buy half cans of soda (great for field trip days)...

You can, right now, hum to yourself the theme song to "Inspector Gadget"...

You had top of the line Commodor64's in your junior high computer lab...

You had to stay after class to scrub your desk because your silver Outliner pen leaked through...

You thought Molly Ringwald was really cool....

You remember when the A-Ha video was the pinnacle of modern technology and you can still sing all the words...

You sat on your back porch playing with your "My Little Pony", "Rainbow Brite" and "Strawberry Shortcake" dolls...

You wore biker shorts under your short skirt and you felt very stylish...

You inserted the word "like" into, like, every sentence....

Your remember when Betamax was cutting edge technology...

In many of your childhood photos you are wearing something plaid....

You believed that "By the Power of Greyskull, you HAD the power!!!"...

There were days that the homework just had to wait until the ABC Afterschool Special was over...

You knew how (or wanted to learn) to moonwalk...

You think that there should be a Kids Incorporated reunion....

You're starting to dread your 30th birthday, and have even begun going into denial about it...

You remember when McDonalds served their burgers in styrofoam boxes...

You have seen at least 10 episodes of Fraggle Rock...

You wondered why you and your friends never encountered diamond thieves whilst out on your BMX's...

You made Star Wars "Shrinky Dinks" in you oven...

You ever uttered the word "Radical!!"...

You got a Little Professor calculator for Christmas...

You were disappointed when an episode of 1-2-3 Contact didn't include a Bloodhound Gang segment...

You still know the Big Mac song - "Two all beef patties, special sauce..."....

You knew at least 3 people in your school who voluntarily went by names of "Skip", "Buffy", "Muffy" or "Dexter"...

You were in Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts but now you have no idea what all the badges you got were for....

Your hair, at some point in time in the 80's, became something which can only be described by the phrase "I was experimenting"...

Oh! You old folks!!!  God bless ya...lmao!  *smirks* :]

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh the trip down memory lane was fun, Thanks!!!


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