Sunday, November 13, 2011

***Breaking News***

Tommy has a "New Hawt Chick"
as quoted from Vikkis Room.

**back to regular programming

As you were.......

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An open letter to Vikki and Tommy

Dearest Miss Vikki and Tommy

Get over it. Open your eyes.
Tommy is just using you when he needs an ego boost. (Obviously)
No man who cares even the slightest about a person much less a woman, calls them "retarded", a "cunt", a "drunk", a "mess", "ugly or "smelly".
Tommy is not a Good Man. Never will be.
He isn't very bright but you have allowed him to manipulate you and because you have, you have opened yourself up to an abundance of personal humiliation.
It's been over a year...why haven't you and Tommy met yet.
Tommy is fat and lazy and has nothing but time to make that trip to you or even just half way but he never makes the suggestion much less the attempt.
Now, you may be partly to blame in this.
Men don't want a sloppy woman. They need the pretty, feminine side of us females.
Clean up before you go on cam.
Just try doing the basics at first.
Wash your face, take a shower and wash your hair (everyday!), put a little make up on and for the love of God put something on that isn't wrinkled or 5 sizes to big. A bra does wonders honey. Let the man see some curves. Pretty up the positives that you have.
Oh!, and another thing...didn't your mama tell you that men, all men, enjoy the chase?
You are so damn available to him he will always dump you for any female that makes him get up off his dead ass and do a little chasing.
That's Female 101.
Now for Tommy...
You grow up without a Daddy?
It's a shame you never learned what is expected to be a real man.
Nobody wants you, No female that is.
Look in the mirror and you can't help but see disgusting.
I'd suggest you grow up but know that ain't ever going to happen.
Your stupidity shows every time you turn on your computer.
If you think that any woman would be interested in you after seeing the way you treat Vikki, you are delusional.
Women, even stupid women are smarter than that.
We all know that you aren't interested in Vikki but she is the only one who is always there for you, and even someone like you isn't dumb enough to give up on the one and only person who is. You would be a lonely SOB without her and you know that that is "Real Talk". Just keeping it "100".
So Tommy, how small is your dick? It has to be pretty tiny and malfunctioning, if you need to do this shit to people.

Here's a little kernel for you to chew on...
If all the social sites weren't all in the shitter right now, neither you or Vikki would have any views. You and Vikki are just the ones who are casting and everyone loves a train wreck.

Now that you both have dug the hole I hope you enjoy the solitude because it's coming.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Vaughnlive...What the Hell was Mark thinking?

I was very excited when I spoke to Mark about a month before he launched Vn.
Form everything he said it sounded like it was going to be everything that needed to be changed over on JTV.
An adult site for people over the age of 18 to do and say and more importantly broadcast what JTV wouldn't allow minus the pedos.

My first reaction once hearing this news a few month back was a deep and inspiring sigh. Finally a site worth going to and having a good time of chat and casting. Boy, was I disappointed and I am not the only one.
Mark what were you thinking?

There was an opportunity there and all you had to do was grab it and what did you do? You not only dropped the ball but you dug a hole and buried it and had your Mom cover it with cement.

I understand the not wanting to broadcast kids on your site. That's a good thing but haven't you ever visited a little "gray area" in your life?

What I heard you say was that the pedos would not be welcomed on Vn. Great! but come on. You and I both know that pedos go to feed at the trough that feeds them best. Create a site where there are no young nubile casters and doing things that no adult wants or needs to see. I have your back on that. Where you and I differ is when someone is feeling proud of a new baby (where it is likely that we all watched the pregnancy progress) or a new grandchild and they just want to show a picture or hold them up to the camera for a moment. This will not feed the pedos. If the environment is not pedos friendly they aren't going to be hanging around waiting for something that is never going to be broadcasted. It really is that easy.
Another thing...the banning binges that have happened is not site worthy they are all personal.
Think of the casters who no longer visit your site and/or cast..

TT (issues with MissScruffy) (banning him you banned others and you didn't care! Hope it was worth it)
Moonboots (issues with MissScruffy)
Vikki (MissScruffy again!)
Kel (she thinks you are an idiot with your zero tolerance)
Haskel420 (MissScruffy strikes again)
Pebbbles (as much as I cringe when I see her casting this one was just idiocy)

the list is longer but you get the drift.

It really doesn't matter what you think of these people as casters or even individuals. It really doesn't.
I personally wouldn't visit any of them except for maybe Moonboots, but you made it all personal. Many enjoy these casters.

If you made Vn as your personal playground then that's fine but don't forget eventually everyone gets called in for dinner and you are left in the dark all by yourself and your Mom of course.

Did you even think when you were handing out those globalmod/crew badges "how will this person help my site and assist me in making it grow"? Doubtful. I have been around long enough to know that the best ran social sites make it policy that the mods do not broadcast and do not interact socially with the regular chatters and we all know why this is and more importantly why it works.

I am confused why you would include your Mom as she is someone who wishes to wield her weight around like a Nazi. You know this is true. Ask anyone what their opinion is of her and where it is based.

I hope Mark you will step back and think hard about what you want out of this whole endeavor because you are losing it all really fast.

I am shocked every time I visit Vn as to the actions of your mods.
Miss Scruffy rams her way into Haskels420's cast demanding he do the right thing and take down the video he posted of a deceased caster off his blog which is way off-site from Vn and gets pissy that he said that he would not discuss it on Vn that he has a site away from Vn should she like to chat about it but she would not let it go. It says when you sign into Vn chat that there is to be no harassment but it is so apparent that that does not apply to your mods. Wabbit screams at people to "Leave!" in rooms. Really?
And what is up with all these mods jumping into rooms as if they are The All Mighty and everyone has to watch  their P's and Q's and wait till they leave so the room can get back to having a good time.

I don't know anything about Roadhammer except that he is obsessed about his v-coins worth and wants everyone to know what it is.. It's the first and some times the only thing he will post in a room. I mean really?.
I know Wabbit from JTV and this really wasn't a good choice. Think back Mark. Really? Wabbit??
Then there is Bubbles. What a waste of space that chick is (it's a chick right?).
Mojo??? I have heard rumors that he forked over some dough and  that's why he now wears his badge but that really smells of net-poo but whatever.

Since actions speak louder than words it does appear that you believe that this mojocondensending, its ridiculous.

So lets see who are the casters that you are relying on to bring in the cash and viewers...

Cortneye (drunk and rude.)
Fridolay (arrogant ass who needs a leash so he doesn't get lost)
Ricco36 (one trick pony and everyone has seen the!)
Roco (you can find this same show but better by hanging out at your local rescue mission)
PBJ (drunk, rude and sloppy. Admits she lies and would sell you down the river in an instant)
Laggie (she's good but life has stepped in and she hasn't been casting and when she does its late nights only)
The_breeze ( please don't make me state the obvious)
LA Nights (ok you might have a chance with him but as decent as he is he cant carry a site)

Good luck Mark. You are really going to need it should you continue down this road and it looks like you are.

Go to Vn at any time of day or night and its a ghost town, When tina_weezer is the #1 caster for over an hour you know that the fat lady has sung and no one is asking for an encore.

First Day and Wow!

I am not really prepared to begin this blog today but look what landed in my lap...
Pig_pen from JTV and Vaughnlive Fame has arisen from the ashes and found a new home where he can over drive his mic and make no sense .
Vikki's cast is a good home for him. They both share a love of bad 80's music and a need and desire to consume copious amounts of alcohol.
We all know that this will not last long. Once either one of them doubles their BAC either Vikki will ban everyone after calling them vile names or Piggy will offend as he always does.
What's the "over/under" on this creepy twosome?

Will Piggy replace Tommy?
Now that Tommy is back on BC will he try and win the Fair Maiden Vikki back into his loving grip around here throat?
Who will pass out first?
What will happen when the Hooch drys up?

Oh the humanity!!!

Keep watching (use caution and only lurk in Vikkis channel) chances are good that something more unexpected will happen.