Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Where's the excitement and enticement of the social sites gone?

Found nothing of interest in the ol' inbox lately, well, for public commentary anyway [snicker snicker-snort snort]

This gave me a little giggle though...

BC id#1003808      *listen quick because the funny happens at about the 1sec. mark   :]

Such a "Classy" lady!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Fakest Of Fakes Has Been Exposed...LMFAO!!!

I have no idea what was going on while I was out collecting cans but I found many links to this "cluster" in my inbox this morning.

Thanks to the Coven.. =)

Interesting quotes from this little Fireside Chat....

It's a "She says...He doesn't say or deny"....

...Shes says...
..."Studs not a Marine..."
..."Studs Daddy ain't dead..."
..."Stud is 20 not 23..."
..."Stud is a lil' Bitch..."  *well, duh!
..."Stud has a 3 inch penis..."   *duh! again. Someone who calls himself The Stud obviously has small                                                              penis issues
..."Stud "Faps" to Moons casts..." *Hell, don't we all =)
..."Stud pays for Bitches to talk to him on Skype..."  *BIG Duh!!!

...He says...
..."Tammy is a Cow..." Ok, the Duhs are getting redundant
..."Tammy is 45 years old..."  *chortle chortle chortle

What TheStudless23 doesn't do is deny anything she said......

Ok, now take a listen and enjoy....

*UPDATE* there are 2 more parts to this...

Part 3....

Part 4....

JTVBLOGGER and some interesting videos over there. Go check it out and SUBSCRIBE!!

Show them some LOVE and SUPPORT!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Finally!!! A Pizza Challenge That Actually Worked...HaHaHa

Battlecam id#984701

River Driver Kudos to you for one of the funniest times at Battlecam in a really long time!!!

Now that's how it's done folks!!!

Thanks you River Driver!!!!

DaveLive Gets To The Bottom Of It All Or...

First listen to the DaveLive archive id#984707, at Battlecam, starting at the 172:00 minute mark.
Just a little warning folks, this is a long one...

Now this morning, Vikki is in the middle of a major melt down over the Tommy Trolling and the Dave's Show.
It ain't pretty but then again is it ever when it concerns Vikki...?

*Be Warned* Vikki says she's having a bad hair day!!

...and then the fake tears start...

...and the Pity Party is in full swing..

Vikki is done worn out...

Dave's Show was interesting as he was able to get Vikki (though it took a long time to do so) to send him copies of the actual airline tickets and Tommy sent Dave his google voice call logs from the night that Bruce alledgedly called him multiple times....

The person who caught this screen cap for me asked the question...."Why does this log not show the couple of calls, where we know from watching this go down live on "main", when Tommy allegedly speaks with Bruce".  (Vikki confirms that the number is Bruce's cell number btw)

Yeah!! Where are those calls on that log??? Hmmm Where? Where? Where?
Tommy I think youse got sum splainin to do...

Stay Tuned...Story still developing...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just A Bit House Cleaning...

Haskel, The Loveable Stoner, we all know and love had another cooking show Sunday over on BlogTv and someone sent these screen caps...

Over on BattleCam Alki decided to share a little SHIT with us...



Thankfully he didn't show us the final "product".    Really??? Is this what it has come to?? Let it not be true =\

Also on Sunday, Vikki was Hurting, Mad and banning like a BOSS...

...and so it goes...

Now For Something Completely Different...80's Style

You Know You Were Born In The 80's If...

-If you had a poster of Rob Lowe, Kirk Cameron or Michael J Fox on your wall
-You always wondered why Tootie always wore those Damn skates
-You were afraid of the Sleestacks on Land of the Lost
-You were sad when the "Where's the beef" lady died
-You ever owned one of those embarrassing crimping iron
-You owned a doll with "Xavier Roberts" name on its ASS
-You watched May Lou Retton win the gold
-If you ever wanted to be gagged with a spoon
-You remember or owned the Care Bear glass collection  from Pizza Hut
-You owned or wanted a "Frankie says..." T-shirt
-You have ever called 867-5309
-Leg warmers and headbands and Pat Benatar looked really cool  to you
-You held top score on Pac-Man
-You knew "The Artist" as simply Prince, the purple one
-You remember when cell phones weighted 15lbs and had to be carried over your shoulder
-You can name at least half of the members of the elite "Brat Pack"
-You can remember watching "Full House" and "Saved by the Bell" for endless hours
-You had a crush on one of the "New Kids on the Block" members
-You thought Transformers were more than meets the eye
-You remember exactly where you were when you heard the Space Shuttle exploded
-You know the profound meaning of "Wax On/Wax Off"
-Your first walk-man weighted about as much of a brick
-You swore you were a Goonie too
-You remember the days when "safe sex" meant your parents were gone for the week-end
-You used to own a Snoopy Sno Cone Machine
-You wanted to be on Star Search
-You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an E.T lunch box
-You ever had a Swatch and a Swatch Guard for it
-Jelly Bracelets and Shoes

I am so glad I missed that exciting      I don't even want to know what a Jelly Shoe is...lmao...
SHIT! I think I must Google that....Oh! Damn! That is one ugly Ass'd shoe!!!

Oh Miss Vikki

***Breaking News****     yawn

Miss Vikki, the self proclaimed "Good Girl" was banned then unbanned for using the N-word on main.
BattleCam Id-968705

Now isn't that just special...

...and after going to Tommys channel and VN to cast our favorite number one WhoreDawg is back!!

I knew I should have put more of that "eye of newt" in that last batch of brew but that SHIT requires a lot of can collecting if you know what I mean.

Mark Made An Annoucement...

Last night Mark cammed up to make a "Big Announcement".

It wasn't the announcement that I wanted to hear and I dare say it wasn't what many others wanted to hear either.

Mark looked tired and I suspect it wasn't from "coding like a Boss".

Mark, you asked for the animosity to stop. You stated you want VN to be a place to come and have fun but I wonder if you know how to make that happen.

You are hemorrhaging casters and chatters and Hell, even viewers, right and left and you should be smart enough to know why but then you sit back and do nothing about it.

I am certain should someone ask you about your Mom you would be quick to answer that she is the best Mom in the whole wide world. Well, guess what? She's YOUR Mom. She's not Roco's Mom. She's not TT's Mom or even Moonboots. They would probably say the same thing about their Moms too.

Being a "great" Mom doesn't mean they are the best choice to be a business partner. The same can be said for MoJo. Ok, so you think he is your friend..but is he really? You are on a sinking ship and MoJo is running around shooting holes wherever he can and now you have the task of plugging them up. Do you really have the time for that? MoJo being allowed to represent VN unrestrained posting Crap on FB and making demeaning and snide remarks, wherever he can, toward the few casters you have left can not be what you want and your Mom, well, please, she treats the people who visit VN as if she is their Mom and perhaps some one should clue her in and let her know these are adult children of other Moms. MoJo and your Mom have agendas and unfortunately it doesn't appear that those agendas are the vision you had when you started this endeaver.

It may not be too late Mark, I don't know, but you have to act now and act fast. One of the biggest things you had going for you when you started VN was that it was a common feeling that JTv was dead and something, anything was needed by those who had become dissatisfied with the other sites out there. It would have been like fishing with dynamite.

I also wonder how you rationalize the MANY disgruntled to the very FEW "family" members. At some point you have to wonder if it is YOU and not Them.

Ricco is gone. Roco is gone. Copper is gone.Radio_Mac is gone. Tmskinz says he's gone but who  knows with him. TT gone. Moonboots gone. The list for casters is long and ugly. The list of chatters and viewers who have left is worse.

All the casters mentioned above are casters who pull in big numbers. They offer a good cast (for those who enjoy that kinda thing and apparently there are many) that moves and grooves but look who you have embraced...Sergeo St James, The_ Stud(less) and a small handful of slide shows. Oh! and let us not forget SCAM_ARTISTS, yes, we must not forget Kristie. Seriously you asked in open chat as to whether or not you should ban her? SMH! Really???? Seriously???? Way to keep your community safe from such SHIT!

During your cast last night you stated over and over again how you were not going to tolerate people demeaning others on your site, yet, all the while you allow Cortney to go on and on. Many are asking why? I hope that you are too, now that you have been able to sleep on it.

You promised alot Mark. Do you feel you have delivered on that promise? Answer that with your heart Mark.

I wonder if you have stepped back and wondered how this went so wrong and where the responsibilities lie. I am sure there are many plates that will fall on.

Creators and owners of other sites go through their banned list and unban on a regular basis. Perhaps this is something you should look at and for Gods sake stop with the tight fisted glove you have going on!! Let people broadcast! Stop being so passive aggressive about making people beg for the ability to cast. If someone is casting something inappropriate then ban their ASS! It's simple. You have the IPs. You can handle this SHIT!

I know you say that you want an 18+ site and that's cool but perhaps you should start treating the 18+ people who visit your site the ability to cast and chat what they want, within reason of course, but you have to let them have adult conversation and cast things that are certainly inappropriate for minors.

...and another thing...
When are you going to take a day off from the site and without help from anyone else, decide what the hard and fast rules really are going to be.

You see you cant perma-ban someone for playing a song you find irritating but yet allow others to play it without any repercussions at all. You cant ban someone for being pushed to their limits in a chatroom until they too go off on someone and then only ban that one person just because they aren't in your circle of friends or family. Life doesn't work that way. We were all born with "free will" (ask your Mom about that) and you aren't going to change these people. Appreciate everyone for who and what they are and let it go. You too may learn something that your closed circle tells you.

You already single out those you like and those you don't. You removing Radio_Macs banner for the most stupid of reasons proves that. I understand you are proud of MoJos show but have you really stepped back and watched that "dried up piece of crap? Please just try stepping back and see what we all see.

One last thing...
There are many of us out here on the interwebz, who have been critical. Have you thought about why? Perhaps you should, the answer just might surprise you. Think about that Mark, please.

I was going to post the video and chat from last night but thought better of it. Mark said that this was the last time he was going to address the subject and today is a new day. Now lets see what Mark and the rest of us do about it.

Now on to the more pleasant part of life....

Sunday, February 12, 2012

...And The Drama, I mean the Saga Continues...

Apparently there was some Tommy/Vikki drama last night..
Ok, I'll give you all a minute to finish your laughing and groaning...

Are ya done?

Ok, so I cant sort out if the Trip is on or off but this SHIT is getting old and definitely creepy.

Not going to bore you with all the screen caps taken and I have no time since I have to go and collect cans for beer money but take a listen to this little ditty and perhaps there's some insight in there somewhere...

Battlecam id.962978
(Now why would Bruce call Tommy?  hmm)

A Triumphant Return...Remains to Be Seen..But I am Hopeful =]

TT, Telemarketer_Torture has returned with a new show, The_Anthonio_Show and though I have a life I wasn't able to catch it live but many of you did if my inbox can be believed.
I did however catch the Video Archive.


I was impressed by the demeanor of all. A very easy and interesting listen.
Moonboots was the first skype call and I think you will agree that he had a few valid points, and he demonstrates his backbone by not letting SHIT slide. *stands and salutes Moonboots* though he and I will never agree about the whole Kristie thing =[
Marcus, too, called in but he wasn't on for long so it's easy to skip and not miss a thing.
I hope that you will go over and take a listen if you haven't already. It's well worth the hour and ten.

Thank you and welcome back TT.

In Their Final Moments...

                                                VaughnLive is reportedly on life-support.

                                            The final preparations are currently underway.

The Family/Community has asked that their privacy be respected at this time to allow Mark, Miss_Scruffy, MoJo and The Staff/Crew to grieve in their private solitude.

A sad moment, indeed, for the social streaming community. The Promise. The "What might have been" are all gone now. Forever lost in the tyrannical hands of those who never had a clue what social broadcasting was all about.

I wish them strength during this time of grief. I am certain they will need it.

As with all things, we must carry on. Stand tall and move forward (JTv, BlogTv, BC et al). I know that Mark and his "Mum" would want it this way.

We can find comfort, knowing that they are all in a better place now. Away from the pain of the endless ridicule and hyperbole. If Mark had only listened to all of us who warned him of the unhealthy life style of the ban-hammer he was living perhaps this never would have happened.

Now a moment of "Thanks" to Mark, Miss_Scruffy, MoJo and Staff/Crew......

There is one thing you all were able to do....

                                        Thank You Mark 
             and Everyone who made this possible at VaughnLive.

                                             Only the best for everyone over there at VaughnLive

Thursday, February 9, 2012

OMFG! You can't make this SHIT up!!!!

Looky what Tina Weezer was able to get up off her Kristiecakes Deathbed to make.!!!!!!!

My big hairy wart on my nose is all a flutter L*M*A*O!!!!!!!

She's asking people to spread the word to get people casting and chatting on VaughnLive!! What she doesn't understand I guess is that The Word has been spread and people are running far and fast!!

Back to work for me but this gave me such a giggle =]

This little funny I found in the comment box.

That had to be cropped that isn't what I seen in her garden. At least be honest on you blog
and my response.....
That screencap is as honest as they come...lmao
It was my first =]
Now lets talk about your use of the word "seen"...
 (omg my sides hurt from this shit lol lmao)
oh and btw...Hi Tina honey

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Dream For A Call To Arms

I think it's time that Mark, His Mommy and all of VaughnLive/Crew gets a small taste of their own medicine.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone, casters and chatters alike, would give each and every one of  'em a 24 chat/cast ban?

If you are in, on Friday, February 10, 2012, 12Noon EST, we take our chat and casting and go dark and silent over there on Vaughn and go elsewhere, just for 24 hours.

It wont affect their stats because very few show up anyway, generally speaking, but it may make an impression on them just how sad and pathetic their little site will become should they keep up doing what they are doing and if we are lucky, if there is nothing over there to monitor they just might turn on each other and cannibalize their own. (of course Granny will remain the last cockroach standing! She is the interwebz twinkie!!)

Rise up and let your feelings be known!!!! Give Mark and the whole FUCKIN' VaughnLive Family the big FUCK YOU!!! 
If you don't, then stop your bichin' !

2012 Great Black-Outs in 2012 ...  Sopa and VaughnLive. lmao

Maybe I am just dreaming in my Utopian world, but, Hey! I can dream can't I?
I hope y'all have some pretty sweet dreams of your own.

Ha Ha Ha HoHo Ho...Who Was The Joke On?

 Ha Ha Ha, *holding my tummy* *slapping a knee* funny SHIT there Mark =]...I am just sitting here wondering if this was what you wanted it to be? Let's see.. You lost Ricco, Roco exploded once he heard about Ricco wanting nothing to do with you or your site and his request to be removed from your site, all the FUCKNUTS, as you call them, are laughing at you and celebrating your idiocy. Way to promote and build up a site. Glad its all coming together for you Mark.

Whats the over/under as to when Mark will figure out how and why this blew up so badly? You know what I mean. Mark has been making such bad boner moves lately, everyone accepted that Mark would make Sergeo a crew member. Are you following this logic Mark? We expect Shit moves out of you Mark. If you really wanted to surprise people, do something responsible and healthy for your failing site, now that would have pwned us all.

Just like the idea of VaughnLive another opportunity  lost.
At least you are consistent, I'll give ya that.

E-Conversation With Miss_Scruffy

Here it goes...

ChatWitch: That's not true Miss_Scruffy. You can't possibly be so closed minded and myopic to think this statement is close to true. People, non-troublemakers, have left in droves...why? Because they have seen the bullying and the treatment you, your son and every crew member VaughnLive has ever had,  beat up chatters and casters alike. You treat people like children, they get turned off. It is said that VaughnLive is supposed to be a site for adults (18+) but you rule over these said adults with a tyrannical fist. The notion of "My way or the highway" has never worked. You say that Mark is a genius writing code, then why has he not written something so that casters who would like to not sweat it if their children come into frame to say goodnight or something else like that, have the ability of making their room private. What I mean by that is make it so they don't appear on the top bar and maybe need a code from an email invite or something/anything. You don't want pervs on your site and that I understand but pervs are already there to some extent. Smarten up Miss_Scruffy. You look like a clown.

ChatWitch: Free run??? What planet is your brain vacationing on??? We have all seen what goes on around there. If you don't genuflect and kiss a ring you are banned, muted, chat banned whatever and then you make it worse by insisting on an apology. What is up with that SHIT???? Have you apologised to any of these people you have banned wrongfully? It's a fucking social site!!!
One more thing...nobody is hurt like you think they are. They are pissed off that both you and Mark lied to them. You said "Hey come on over to this great site where you can be yourself and be adult and not be worried about the crap that goes on over on JTv". Congrats on saying all that shit with a straight face though, knowing you were lying through Marks jacked up teeth the entire time. Takes a pretty small black heart to do that.

ChatWitch: So if I understand you correctly if someone, like Acer, does something against the TOS at VaughnLive and is banned,  he gets to return? How does that SHIT happen? Are you banning depending upon your mood of the day or are you actually banning as per the TOS? It looks more like the former than the later. If you want people to follow the rules and respect your authority then STOP FUCKING CHANGING THE RULES and enforce then equitably. You are a mother, you should know you cant play favorites (or you should know). You bitch about people saying you have a clique over there, well, you do!!! Log off, let Mark run the site for a couple of days and think about what the HELL you are doing. If you don't stop, Mark is going to one day wake up and look at you and say to himself...If only you hadn't FUCKED it up for me Mom. I bet you're looking forward to that day, aren't you, Miss_Scruffy, I know a lot of people who are sitting back, listening to "We Built This City" with a cold one in there hand gearing up for the "Vaughn-pocolypse".

ChatWitch: First off..It's "LYING" not "Laying" you stupid idiot and they aren't lying low!!! They are disgusted and have walked away!!! You have become the butt of so many jokes. You have to be an embarrassment to your son. As sheltered and naive as Mark is, even he has had those thoughts running through his head, believe me. "My mommy....", fill in  the blank. Some day you will have to take responsibility for screwing that kid up in so many ways. You have to let him go. Your job, good or bad, is over. Oh! and something else, you were sooooo right about one thing (and only one thing)...


[kawr, kohr]

the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.
...and you call them bullys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Hail those who have been banned from VaughnLive..


Vikki Remembering The Days As A Blushing Bride ~ Aww

This morning I was fortunate to catch Vikki reminiscing about her Wedding Day with her good friend Bobs_your_uncle and she pulled out her wedding dress and veil for all to admire.
She said something that her mama told her... "wear blue and you will always be true".
Damn it! I thought mamas were always right. =[      My BAD!!

                                                   The Wedding Tarp, oops, I mean dress

                                                  the Veil...

                                  When trying on the veil she exploded with giggles that it still fit!!
                                                   Well, Holy FUCKIN" Whoredoggies!!

                                                            What a MESS...smh

Marks Response To The Roco Cast

There are no words to add. I think this speaks for itself...

I am wondering what this is, this thing called "FUN" Marks is talking about?
Vaughn Live hasn't had any fun on there since...Well, I guess never but y'all get back to it I guess.
Mark is that a little sparkle of questioning I see there under your "eye carpets"? I hope so.

***UPDATE: Riccos Response***

                                           (screencap credit goes out toTeddy.. Thanks)