Thursday, November 10, 2011

An open letter to Vikki and Tommy

Dearest Miss Vikki and Tommy

Get over it. Open your eyes.
Tommy is just using you when he needs an ego boost. (Obviously)
No man who cares even the slightest about a person much less a woman, calls them "retarded", a "cunt", a "drunk", a "mess", "ugly or "smelly".
Tommy is not a Good Man. Never will be.
He isn't very bright but you have allowed him to manipulate you and because you have, you have opened yourself up to an abundance of personal humiliation.
It's been over a year...why haven't you and Tommy met yet.
Tommy is fat and lazy and has nothing but time to make that trip to you or even just half way but he never makes the suggestion much less the attempt.
Now, you may be partly to blame in this.
Men don't want a sloppy woman. They need the pretty, feminine side of us females.
Clean up before you go on cam.
Just try doing the basics at first.
Wash your face, take a shower and wash your hair (everyday!), put a little make up on and for the love of God put something on that isn't wrinkled or 5 sizes to big. A bra does wonders honey. Let the man see some curves. Pretty up the positives that you have.
Oh!, and another thing...didn't your mama tell you that men, all men, enjoy the chase?
You are so damn available to him he will always dump you for any female that makes him get up off his dead ass and do a little chasing.
That's Female 101.
Now for Tommy...
You grow up without a Daddy?
It's a shame you never learned what is expected to be a real man.
Nobody wants you, No female that is.
Look in the mirror and you can't help but see disgusting.
I'd suggest you grow up but know that ain't ever going to happen.
Your stupidity shows every time you turn on your computer.
If you think that any woman would be interested in you after seeing the way you treat Vikki, you are delusional.
Women, even stupid women are smarter than that.
We all know that you aren't interested in Vikki but she is the only one who is always there for you, and even someone like you isn't dumb enough to give up on the one and only person who is. You would be a lonely SOB without her and you know that that is "Real Talk". Just keeping it "100".
So Tommy, how small is your dick? It has to be pretty tiny and malfunctioning, if you need to do this shit to people.

Here's a little kernel for you to chew on...
If all the social sites weren't all in the shitter right now, neither you or Vikki would have any views. You and Vikki are just the ones who are casting and everyone loves a train wreck.

Now that you both have dug the hole I hope you enjoy the solitude because it's coming.

1 comment:

  1. Spot on with your post; not to mention she has no dignity or shame about her appearance or actions when on cam. This sad case is in VERY desperate need of a complete makeover, along with a Therapist, and Rehab. One of the most nastiest people I've run across online in a long time. She is nasty on the outside and inside. She also has extremely poor social skills and can't keep friends for long.


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